Rhetorical Analysis Of Vicks Advertisement

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The following analyses will be performed on an advertisement about cold medicine-DayQuil and NyQuil presented by “Vicks”, which is posted on one of the pages of Health magazine. The purpose of this ad is to deliver the information about this medicine to the consumers and encourage them to purchase this product. This advertisement is very effective in selling the described above product by using all of the rhetorical appeals and by being placed in the magazine, that target readers concerned about their health. The ad is divided into two parts, presenting an image of a busy mom in the kitchen talking on the phone and taking care of her three daughters on the top of the page, and an image of her sleeping in the bed on the bottom of the page. …show more content…

This image appeals to the viewer’s emotions by illustrating a mom, who is taking care of many things while being sick, and a meaningful statement, with which all moms readers are agree. The author of the ad successfully relates this image to the viewer’s own experiences. By looking at the picture, readers easily recall moments in their life, when they had to take care of their kids, do not matter how sick they were. They become interested of the listed ad and want to find out what the author trying to tell them. Likewise, the second image appeals to the viewer’s emotions by illustrating a sick mom who is finally getting a goodnight rest after taking a cold medicine. Blue color, used for the background, evokes feelings of calmness and relaxation; the image brings up positive memories. The message is partially contains a sense of humor. Viewers who are looking for additional information about how other moms deal with their responsibilities in a similar situation expect to learn something new, but see that the solution is pretty obvious and already known: they still have to take care of their daily tasks, but to make it easier they can take cold medicine. The message put smile on their face and brings up positive emotions. In order to support the claim, author provides strong evidence and includes a list of cold and flu symptoms, which can be relieved by using this medicine. This information appeals to the audience logical reasoning. Already being persuaded emotionally, readers now are provided with actual facts and reasons to purchase this product. So far, creator of the ad successfully used two powerful strategies by providing emotional and logical appeals to the audience. The last piece of the information which also plays a big role in decision making is presented by using a symbol of the company selling the product. “Vicks” logo is displayed on the