A Rhetorical Analysis Of Imperfect World By Steve Breen

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“Imperfect World” by Steve Breen is a political cartoon that depicts a child having a conversation with an adult about the recent discovery of 7 “Earthlike” planets. According to the child, “Earthlike” planets should inhibit pollution, wars, sexism and a few other global issues. Instead of scientifically looking at what makes a planet “Earthlike”, the juvenile focused only on global issues present on Earth. In other words, Breen is trying to say that what makes Earth, Earth is its violence, wars, racism and other problems. Because of this, Breen’s cartoon used to portray what defines Earth is effective because it approaches the topic in a different light.
In order for someone to understand what the cartoon is talking about, one must know that “global …show more content…

For example, to display their curiosity, children tend to ask many questions, as shown in the cartoon. Also, he used a young person who is aware about the problems in the world, which makes it ironic. This leads into one of the techniques that he used: Irony. The fact that the child, who has been alive for a few years compared to the adult, seems to be more involved in global issues is ironic. Another technique that he used is repetition. The only sentences spoken by the child are all asked and the only word the adult says is “no”. Not only did he use these techniques but he also used two rhetorical devices: logos and pathos. Breen used logos by mentioned a few of current issues and also the discovery of 7 new “Earthlike” planets. As for pathos, he displays a child and an adult, which can easily be seen as a mother talking with her child, having a conversation. This can reach out to families who are protective of what a child can or cannot know about the world. Other than the techniques and rhetorical devices used, the warrant for Breen’s cartoon is that people hope to someday live on another inhabitable