A Rose For Emily Research Paper

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A Rose For Emily Essay A story exhibiting a great display of the Southern Gothic literature style, William Faulkner’s ‘A Rose for Emily’ is a strong contender as a representative of said style. It presents the story of an ostracized woman dealing with the world in her own and sick, twisted way. She straddles mental illness, and the unsavory forces of unrequited love. The story tackles these elements eloquently, hashing it out in a daunting and unsettling method, leaving the reader on edge as they slowly reach the shocking outcome it provides. Delving in, ‘A Rose for Emily’ tells the tale of Emily, a woman past her prime, who never married due to her father’s protective nature. This causes her to have an extremely introverted nature, and leads to the events to come. This display of isolation and onset madness is a key element in Southern Gothic literature, and gives you a look into the understanding of the main character and her reasons behind the actions she takes. She furthers these displays of introverted behavior as she eventually lacks any outside interaction, almost never leaving her home, and having her butler provide assistance when it comes to needing pleasantries or groceries. This is then further characterized by the town’s uncanny opinion …show more content…

The narrator, portrayed as the town’s outlook on what went down, is an opinionated and impartial source of information into the story. This is another key element in the Southern Gothic writing style, and provides a unique perspective for the reader to receive the tale from. It’s executed well, avoiding the problems that can arise from such a narrative, allowing the reader to immerse themselves in the story. The lack of information provided by the narrative also allows the story to be open to interpretation, as the town hadn’t possessed an omniscient knowledge on the going of the