A Short Story: The Fallen Angel And The Fallen Angel

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“Promise you’ll keep him safe,” exclaimed Calvin’s mother. Calvin’s father nodded while holding baby Calvin. The exorcist chanted many biblical lines and finally yelled, “DISPERSE.” Calvin’s mother howled in pain, she turned to dust and the wind carried it away. The exorcist muttered, “Go back where you came from, fallen angel.” With furious eyes, the exorcist turned around and faced Calvin’s father, “You and your son will suffer worse pain than she did!” Calvin all swaddled in blankets, started to cry. The stars of the night glittered in the void of darkness. Calvin, now seventeen still dreamed of what happened so long ago. His father and himself were treated like outcasts. Calvin’s father had told him how he found his mother, a fallen angel, severely injured. His father, accepting the consequences, nursed the fallen angel back to health. The fallen angel and Calvin’s father lived together in the woods for two years. In that time the fallen angel had gotten pregnant and birthed Calvin. As Calvin walked down the street people veered to the side as if he were some sort of demon, which he technically was. The community Calvin resided in had a strong connection with Christianity. Christianity taught people that people should accept everyone. However, the residents did not accept Calvin or his father at all, rather despised them. Calvin never truly displayed his feelings to the rest of the community. He always kept a poker face so people wouldn’t know how much he was hurting