A Streetcar Named Desire Religion And Identity Essay

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In the world today, people judge others based on their identity. In the book A Streetcar Named Desire and the poem A Daily Joy to Be Alive it talks about identity. Identity is created based on social class, religion, and school, but most believe our parents make our identity. Identity is created based on social class which is related to how much money a person possesses. In the book Blanche is known as a middle class citizen based on all the pearls and fancy dresses. People know Blanche because of her wealth even if she was not the one to buy it. Even if you are not rich, some might take you as a wealthy person because of the attitude you have. If you have a poor person's attitute people are going to know you are poor, but if you have a wealthy …show more content…

Religion has an impact on identity since most people are religious. Some people take religion and focus souly on that. In an article called Religion and Identity Oppong says “Religion might serve as a powerful influence on an individual identity” (para. 40). Different religions have different beliefs or standards that participants are supposed to follow or obey. In the poem it talks about “Death draws respect, and fear from the living.” (Stanza 2, lines 10-11). A lot of religions talk about different things that happen after death, such as life after death. People believe that they do not need to fear dying becasue they will live after. Although religion is important, so is school. School is important and really builds identity. In an article called Role of Education and Identity for Quality Education, it states that “Education is very important for an individual's success in life” (Sharma, para. 1). Education sets you up for the rest of your life which connects to money, that was an important factor to identity. “Education is seen as the foundation of society which brings wealth, social prosperity and political stability.” (Sharma, para. 1). Education is probably the most imprortant identity builder. It sets people up for the rest of