
A Stuttering Documentary 'Let Me Finish' By Alex Murphy

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“Let Me Finish: A Stuttering Documentary” Reflection It was truly fascinating to observe the documentary titled, “Let Me Finish” by Alex Murphy (2011), in which he outlined three personal experiences of individuals who stutter and have undergone life impacts due to their communication disorder. Up to this point, I have not learned about stuttering or the various treatment methods available, besides the small amount of observation hours gained from Master Clinician years prior. I found this documentary to be incredibly moving and eye-opening, not only as a future professional who will most likely work with an individual who stutters in the future, but also as another human living in our common world who may interact with a person who stutters in daily life. There were various …show more content…

For example, the first gentleman described having a stutter as being “afraid of the next attack” and that his stutter “freaks (him) out” (Murphy, 2011, 0:21-1:30). In addition, the second older woman in the film described fear and anxiety associated with her stutter when she discussed how she began to feel afraid of her father because it would disturb her with how frequently he would discuss and draw attention to it (Murphy, 2011, 6:05-6:15). Furthermore, the gentleman described a situation in which he went to a coffee shop and the woman taking his order poked fun of him for the stutter, in which he retaliated with anger and choice words. Emotional aspects were also discussed towards the end of the film in which there was a group of individuals conversing about the prevalence of stuttering in films and programs from years ago. They discussed their emotional reactions to not only seeing stuttering in these digital means, but witnessing the public’s reaction to stuttering, such as the collective laughing, joking, and making fun of

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