Analysis Of Rushdie's Essay 'On Anarchy'

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The article begins with a note on various political concepts and the rivalry amongst the countries of the world that follow various political methods. Rushdie is of the view that there should be no authoritarianism. He attacks politicians who try to dominate and force their views on others. His latest novel Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights satirizes the attitude of fanatics of all sorts and the ignorant multitude. He brings out the contemporary reality in Two Years Eight Months and Twenty Eight Nights through the life of Mr. Geronimo and his father Jerry who have to face challenges like communal violence and a contemptuous attitude towards minority in Bombay of the present times. Through the life of Father Jerry he brings out the hypocrisy of a clergy who preaches others but does not allow his son born of his extra marital relationship to call him daddy because he was afraid of losing his image in the society in which he lived. Through Mr. …show more content…

He held that the act of non-resistance was the best way to accomplish progress toward an idealistic culture (a belief that would go on to influence Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr.). He has best expressed his view that peaceful anarchy could be achieved without violent revolution in his essay, “On Anarchy”: The Anarchists are right in everything; in the refutation of the current request, and in the statement that, without Authority, there couldn't be more regrettable brutality than that of Authority under existing conditions. They are mixed up just in imagining that Anarchy can be founded by a transformation. Be that as it may, it will be founded just by there being more individuals who don’t require the assurance of legislative force. ... There can stand out lasting unrest — an ethical one: the recovery of the internal man. (Maude 22) Leo Tolstoy in his work Anna Karenina has expressed his political opinions through the characters, besides his moral