Tyranny In John Locke's Analysis

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Locke is one of the pioneers of the liberalism as he emphasizes the importance of the property. According to him, everything based upon protection and improvement of the property, which merely provided by legislative power. This can be happened if the society combined with the government, unlike Hobbes, Locke mentions, people have a right to ruin the state when the governor does not preserve liberty, life and property which are the basic needs, for them. Locke refers that “Tyranny is the exercise of power beyond right” by using this phrase, he argues that one who controlled the power, is used the power for his own private advantages, rather than what is good for commonwealth. Although being powerful does not mean to control over the weak …show more content…

Gulistan Askay, who was 15, murdered by her cousin, just because she broke up with her husband. There was clear evidence that her cousin Soner Askay killed Gulistan Askay, merely because to protect the family’s honor. I do not imagine any other case cruel than this one. More crucially, when she killed, she was three months of pregnant. In this case, there were two points where tyranny emerged, firstly, the marriage of 15 years old girl, and secondly, her cousin was take part in her death. I do not believe that she was married by her own will. Although the news was not indicate her husband’s age, I am sure that he is older than the girl. What kind of family married their little girl at age of 15, and killed just because she left the house, without asking the reason behind, they were decided to kill Gulistan, and acted like a cruel …show more content…

So if there is no law, any magistrate becomes a tyrant, because nothing prevents him from using the power on his hands. As he refers, whenever power given by the authority of government of the people and the preservation of their properties, and is then diverted from that purpose and used to impoverish, harass, or subdue the people to the arbitrary and irregular commands of those that have the power, then that immediately becomes tyranny, whether the power-holders are one or many (Locke, 201) Therefore, to avoid the emergence of tyranny through legislation power, Locke promoted a system which controls and checks the system of government. According to him, there are three aspects of government, which are legislative, executive, and federative. If these three conditions occur into the state, no one use the power for their own