What Is John Locke's State Of Nature

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John Locke is an enlightened political philosopher whose explanations to his ideas remains profoundly influential. Locke believes people should have the right to do anything they want without the government enforcing them to do a task. In The Second Treatise, Locke discusses some vital concepts of his thinking, beginning with a discussion of the State of Nature. He explains that humans move from a state of nature characterized by perfect freedom and are governed by reason to a civil government in which the authority is vested in a legislative and executive power. In the State of Nature, men are born equal, to have perfect liberty to maintain. There will be no need for roles in organizations because individuals can order their own lives and property. To Locke, the State of Nature “... has a Law of Nature to govern it , which obliges every one: And reason, which us that Law, teaches all mankind” (Locke 271). This state exists wherever there is no legitimate …show more content…

He states, “Men being, as has been said, by Nature, all free, equal and independent... (Locke 330). Locke believes that each individual is equal and independent, therefore, we should all make choices for the common good in the government. Absolutism on the other hand, believes individuals are born as part of a societal body with a function to serve. For an example, kings are born to be kings that can rule without having to sharing their power. Locke states, “for men being all the workmanship of one omnipotent, and infinitely wise Maker; All the Servants of one Sovereign Master…made to last during his, not one anothers Pleasure”(Locke 271). According to Locke, absolutism allows one to think they are above the other. God as the creator is the only one that can rule over us. Overall, Locke argues that absolutism defeats the purpose of government altogether because it takes away the people’s