A Synopsis Of Sarah Koeing's Case

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Sarah Koeing is a machiavellian person. She uses Adnan Syed´s case to benefit herself. In the podcast, she presents the facts of his case in the most interesting rather than logical way to get views. Sarah effectively did this by talking about witnesses that ended up leading nowhere, putting weird music in every episode, and always ending an episode on a cliffhanger. She is an evil evil person. Koenig utilized her sources and spoke to witnesses who knew Adnan to gain other perspectives and see if Adnan´s story lined up with the rest to see everything from all angles. She uses the witnesses and the evidence with them to persuade the audience to listen. Mr.s, Asia Maclean, Stephanie, Aisha Pittman, and Don. What do these names have in common? They are the names of people Sarah mentioned in Serial, making them seem like really salient people. She talked about these witnesses for ages on end. All of their stories ended up leading to a dead end. As an example, Mr.S wasn’t important at all to speak about, but she made a whole episode about him and she did not elucidate he wasn´t important until the end. Sarah told us the police already cleared him. Whilst talking about these people she used a form of anachrony; ellipsis. She placed these people out of order and left gaps in between to make …show more content…

This is a form of pathos because it plays with our emotions. In every scary movie ever when you're getting to a major scene they start playing music hinting for you to get ready. In horror movies, the producers use these types of sounds to frighten the audience. Sarah uses this in her podcast for a similar effect. As humans, we take some sounds as scary because our mind has been wired to automatically connect them to danger or major events. We as the audience do this. Paying close attention once her voice lowers and the music starts playing. Waiting for her to expose a