A Tale Of Two Summers For Parents Summary

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Benchmark B In the article, “A Tale of Two Summers for Parents” by Belinda Luscombe it is said that elementary kids should require adult supervision and should not be left alone. I say elementary kids should not be left unsupervised because they aren’t old enough to take care of themselves and they still don’t know how hazardous the things around them could be. For example, I’m already 16 and when i'm home alone I still do things that are careless now imagine a young kid home alone it would be a disaster. Also how Deborah Harrell left her 9 year old daughter at a public park unsupervised. Another mom by the name of Shanesha Taylor has done that too but this time it was in Arizona and she left her two kids inside the car in the heat while she had a job interview. …show more content…

As I said before I am 16 and I still do not so smart decisions when I'm home alone. For example, I sometimes forget to turn off the sink or sometimes close refrigerator but I remember because I notice it but imagine a young kid opening the refrigerator and he leaves it open he will waste a lot of electricity. How about if he gets the kitchen knives or any dangerous object and he hurts himself. Most likely a kid at a young age won’t have a cellphone and won’t know anyone's number and he won’t know what to do. Another example on why kids should not be left alone is that a mom by the name of Deborah Harrell left her nine year old daughter for basically the whole day. Im guessing the mom thought it was a okay because the girl had a cellphone. I don’t think that would be that much help. What if there was people trying to kidnap her or something worse. The McDonalds where the mom worked was close by but still I don’t think it's safe for a little kid with a cellphone left alone at a park