
A Temporary Matter Essay

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In A Temporary Matter written by Jhumpa Lahiri and San Junipero directed by Owen Harris and written by Charlie Brooker, we see that the characters are grieving and avoiding their emotions. The characters need to accept their emotions by being willing to accept and experience the negative emotions that has occurred. In order for them to overcome a terrible loss, it is important to acknowledge and absorb their emotions. In both stories we see that they have issues accepting the grief of losing their children or loved ones, no one has been handling their grief properly because they have been emotionally avoiding it. These stories convey the message to properly grieve because, the loss of a loved one can cause detrimental effects to your wellbeing if it is not handled correctly. This is shown in A Temporary Matter through the crumbling of Shoba and Shukumar’s marriage due to blaming themselves and each other for the death of their child. “Shukumar was at an academic conference in Baltimore when Shoba went into labor, three weeks before her due date. He hadn’t wanted to go to the …show more content…

Kelly’s reaction when Yorkie asks her to stay in San Junipero forever, and how Kelly overreacts and says, “Richard and I, we felt that heartbreak as one. You think you're the only person ever suffered, go fuck yourself.” We see that Kelly feels a lot of grief after the loss of her daughter and husband, Yorkie brought back up these emotions that she had been able to avoid because of San Junipero. Kelly used San Junipero as an escape from the loss of her husband and daughter, which is why she chooses to not catch feelings and just have fun, until she met Yorkie, who makes her confront her grief by pushing her to commit to her. There is also Kelly’s husband, Richard, who chose not to experience San Junipero due to the grief of knowing that his daughter was never able to experience such

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