A Thematic Analysis Of 'Lines Of Separation Poem'

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Poem: Devonshire, Carolyn. “Lines of Separation - Poem by Carolyn Devonshire.” Lines of Separation Poem, 2010, www.poetrysoup.com/poem/lines_of_separation_252447 In this poem, author Carolyn Devonshire discusses one of the most revolutionary topics that has ever played a profound role in the formation of American society: segregation. Throughout the work, we see her discuss literal barriers, such as the Mason-Dixon line and the Berlin Wall. Then, she makes a clever comparison of 1960’s segregation to those literal walls, by describing it as a figurative hindrance to the success of interracial coexistence. Additionally, the Author provides multiple details of the eradication of these borders, which further helps to contrast the pressing topic of segregation against what should seem like much more threatening issues. The connections to the thesis are quite easy to recognize. Segregation, as well as racism as a concept, have most always played a rather significant part in society. This unfortunate truth can be owed to the fact that people seem to resist change, which passes down through generations. I do believe that this speaker is calling on lawmakers to enact legislation that will change the outlook on minorities. Unfortunately, we …show more content…

It is a revolutionary book that serves as a testament to why America, as a society, should never allow the chains of prejudice to grip us again. In the book, maid Abilene works for Mrs.Leefolt, a rather wealthy white woman. Over the course of the book, we meet new characters, who continue the same trend we have seen: inequality. Later on in the book, Mrs. Skeeter comes into town, and begins to change the town with ehr anti-racism speech in her works of writing. Soon, her maid friends have helped her to begin turning the community into a more understanding and racist-free