
A Thousand Splendid Suns Belonging Essay

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To belong to something is to share a sense of connection with a person, place or object. Many aspects of an individual’s life spans from the different relationships and experiences that they encounter, enriching their sense of belonging. The relationships between the main protagonists in Khaled Hosseini’s ‘A Thousand Splendid Suns’ and Michael Kieran’s experiences presented in the ‘Your Story’ podcasts have a clear representation of how an individual’s sense of belonging can strengthen with relations and experience. Even if people’s experiences and relationships seem similar to another, they are all different because the different perspectives they gain from it develops an individual’s character. The encounters that an individual experiences is a huge aspect on …show more content…

Michael states “I’m still in the middle of culturalization, because I am basically a Canadian in a foreign land.” The juxtaposition explains that although he is a Canadian in Czechoslovakia, he is slowly adapting to his wife’s culture and adjusting to his new business of selling coffee. After choosing to move with his wife to Prague, he is happy that he is able to accept the change and develop stronger relationships with his wife and his new family along with creating a new business. In ‘A Thousand Splendid Suns’, the main protagonists Laila and Mariam are granted advice while they were still youthful in order to provide guidance over the decisions they make in the future. The advice given in the earlier chapters are consultation that stick with the protagonists throughout the entire novel. Laila’s father Hakim, provides his daughter with the following, “Marriage can wait, education cannot. You can be anything you want, Laila. I also know that when this war is over, Afghanistan is going to

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