
A Thousand Splendid Suns Love Theme Essay

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The Love Theme Portrayed in A Thousand Splendid Suns
When the word love is heard, what comes to mind? Is it that special connection once shared with a long lost lover? Or maybe it wasn’t a lover at all but a friend, who not only loved you for you, but showed you how to love yourself. In the novel A Thousand Splendid Suns,author Khaled Hosseini portrays love in many different ways. Three vital themes concerning love outshined many of the themes throughout this novel. Love can cause the happiness of the people who receive it, it strengthens and brings out sides of us that we were too scared to embrace, and it causes people to make sacrifices for the benefit of others. Love in this novel was the very core of optimism for many characters. A character who gained the most out of the …show more content…

From the beginning of the novel with her parents Nana and Jalil to the marriage between her and Rasheed, love and acceptance was all Mariam craved but never fully received. She finally gained the love and acceptance she wanted from Laila and Aziza. This love was a slow development at first, but it all starts when Aziza held Mariam’s finger.”As Mariam was pulling back, the baby grabbed her pinkie. The tiny fingers curled themselves tightly around it”(243) this quote shows the want that Aziza had from that very moment. Love also gave optimism to Laila. She and Tariq had an extremely strong relationship, so strong that they conceived a child. Laila was truly ecstatic the day, Tariq came back for her.”Laila stood perfectly still and looked at Tariq until her chest screamed for air and her eyes burned to blink...After she took a breath, closed and opened her eyes he was still standing there. She allowed herself to take a step toward him, then another and then she was running.” (327). This quote represented the delight Laila has the day he showed up at

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