A Voting Ticket In The Civil Rights Movement

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History Museum Task
Civil Rights Movement
The greatest achievement of the movement
A Voting Ticket

August 6th, 1965 marks one of the most significant moments in the Civil Rights movement. On that day, President Johnson signed a bill which gave African American the rights to vote. As the law banned a series of acts and practices such as literacy tests and poll taxes, which were designed by the white elite who used them as means of repression to African American, the black people overcame the legal barriers to equality for the first time in history.
With this 1966 voting ticket exhibited in our museum, it represented the gaining of black voting right in 1965, and it reflects the recognition and strengthening of the political power of the black …show more content…

Although the black people still suffered from some extent of inequality after the new law, it contributed greatly to the rights gained of the black people and other minority groups as it ensured equal access to public accommodation, employment opportunity, education, and other aspects of life. As the act was regarded a major reform to American politic and society in the 20th century, it not only had major influence over the improvement of the human rights of African American’s, it also set the foundation for the following-up acts such as the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and the Fair Housing Act of …show more content…

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