
A Worn Path By Eudora Welty

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In the short story “A Worn Path” by Eudora Welty, character, setting, and plot work together to create a powerful and moving tale. Through the story’s protagonist, Phoenix Jackson, Welty is able to explore themes of love, strength, and perseverance in the face of adversity. Meanwhile, the story’s setting, a worn path through the Mississippi countryside, provides both a physical and metaphorical journey for Phoenix, as she travels from her home to the city to retrieve medicine for her grandson. Finally, the story’s plot, which follows Phoenix’s journey, highlights the challenges she faces and her determination to complete her mission despite her advanced age and physical limitations. Together, these elements create a story that is both powerful …show more content…

She is an elderly, poor, and physically limited woman who lives in a rural area. Despite her age and physical limitations, she is a determined and independent woman who is deeply devoted to her grandson. Throughout the story, Phoenix’s character is revealed through her thoughts and actions, as she makes her way along the path to the city.

One of the most notable aspects of Phoenix’s character is her love for her grandson. She is willing to undertake a long and difficult journey to retrieve medicine for him, even though she is not sure she will make it back. This love is demonstrated in the following quote: “She walked on. She was not a person to ask for help. She went on, her eyes straight ahead” (Welty). This quote highlights Phoenix’s determination to complete her mission, despite the challenges she faces.

Another aspect of Phoenix’s character is her physical limitations. She is an elderly woman who is blind in one eye and has difficulty walking. Despite this, she continues to persevere, as she has done many times before. This determination is revealed in the following quote: “Phoenix Jackson’s present journey was not much different from the ones she had made before, except that it was colder. She was an old woman and she walked slowly in the dark pine shadows, moving a little from side to side in her steps, with the balanced heaviness and lightness of a pendulum in a grandfather clock” (Welty). This quote highlights the physical

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