ASC X12 Standards

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The accredited standards committee has been charged with developing the standards for EDI. The department of health and human services embraced the ASC X12 standards. The goal of EDI standards is to make seamless transfers of information between providers and healthcare plans and payers. ASX X12N 837 is a messaging standard that covers the electronic submission of healthcare claims (Sayles, 2013). The Pan American EDIFACT Board (PAEB) directs activities regionally for EDI message development, maintenance, and technical assessment. The United Nations Rules for Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce, and Transport (UN/EDIFACT) is a international guideline and agreed standard for electronic transfer of information mainly related to trade in goods and services. …show more content…

The following attributes apply to each data element: coded tag, title, plain text description, format, and year of insertion into the directory. The ASC X12 and the EDIFACT are very similar but the ASC X12 contains smaller messages while the EDIFACT contains fewer, more comprehensive messages. X12 was developed to meet the needs of the industry while EDIFACT has been slower to meet a practical use. EDIFACT, in 1994, had 43 standard messages and 14 in development while X12 had 37,000 US users and only 1% of businesses in the UK used EDIFACT. The challenges to implementation of EDI is that software and standards have been incompatible, there is a lack of sophisticated capabilities, and a lack of cross-industry standards. The future of EDI includes the agreement of ASC X12 to merge with EDIFACT. The number of users of EDI is expected to grow from 30,000 in 1995 to 300,000 by 2000 (Pupik,