Abdullah Azzam And Al Qaeda

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With the November 13th attacks in Paris that killed 130 people and wounded 368, Americans are now asking themselves two things; what is the risk of an attack happening on U.S. soil and what may be done to stop such an immediate and imposing threat? The origins of such a group ready to carry out such attacks in modern day can be directly traced to Al Qaeda, whose story began in 1979 with the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan. Abdullah Azzam, Al Qaeda’s founder, became a disciple of the Muslim brotherhood shortly after his family fled the West Bank following the Israeli victory in the Six Day War. The Sunni Islamic scholar and theologian began studying the works of Hassan al-Banna and Sayyid Qutb in regions such as Syria and Egypt, then re-teaching …show more content…

Abdullah Azzam laid the ideological foundations for jihadist groups to follow found in his writings, the millions of dollars that bin Laden poured into al Qaeda funding his terrorist operations and the personal experience of the young Muslims fighting for jihad in places such as Bosnia, Afghanistan, and Palestine. The ideals were then set in place to follow, and if followed correctly would mean a Muslim united and ruled world. These ideological grounds entailed; Muslims have been notoriously humiliated at the hands of impure Arab regimes and Western powers, if Muslims do not take jihad on as personal obligation, they will continue to suffer defeat at the hands of the Westerners and they sought to reestablish the Caliphate as the ultimate goal for the Islamic faith. Their operatives were replaceable, however, the ideological basis on what they believed would continue forever. They would continue to inspire young Muslims to radicalize and weaponized their faith. This new found radicalization can be often accompanied by changes behavior and appearance and can often be detected, identified, and thwarted before full blown radicalization takes place. Interdiction through means of social media and being turned in by someone by some close are the most common means, although, there are often time these individuals these individuals unknowingly contact an FBI agent or informant. They can also be detected in connection with another active case. With the many psychological and behavioral factors previously set in place, it is