Abigail Adams Dbq

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Abigail Adams

Table of Contents

∞ Introduction

∞ Who is Abigail Adams?

∞ Her Place In the Daughters Of Liberty

∞ The Adams' Family

∞ The Sent Letter

∞ Abigail's Contributions

∞ Conclusion ∞ Her Quotes

∞ Glossary

∞ Bibliography

Abigail quickly writes down her letter, hoping it would be able to be sent before wartime. She sealed the letter with a fine red ribbon when she suddenly heard gunshots from outdoors. She is too late. The battle (of Lexington and Concord) had already started. Abigail heard cannons booming outside her home, signs of war. She decided to run to him. She wondered if he's okay and worried. She quickly put her shawl on and told her four children, "I need to go now. I will …show more content…

She was also mother of John Quincy Adams, the sixth U.S. President. She was the first First Lady who requested the equality of men and women's education. She managed to convince John to add a law about the equality of men and women's education.

Abigail was also a part of the Daughters Of Liberty. She was in the group who helped the colonists during taxations (and protests). She was one of the women who advised the colonists not to drink British tea, but to grow tea leaves and make tea out of the leaves. She also advised them not to buy the products to use them. She (and the rest of the Daughters of Liberty) worked with the Sons of Liberty to capture tax collectors and help them start and finish the procedure of torturing the captured tax collectors and parading them in the streets to scare other uncaptured tax collectors. Abigail had a very tight schedule, with sending John letters and capturing tax collectors, but she adapted to her busy events …show more content…

They exchanged over 1,100 letters, beginning during their courtship in 1762 and continuing throughout John's political career (until 1801). These warm and informative letters include John's descriptions of the Continental Congress and his impressions of Europe while he served in various diplomatic roles, as well as Abigail's updates about their family, farm, and news of the Revolution's impact on the Boston area. The earliest letters exchanged between John Adams and Abigail (Smith) Adams occurred during their courtship, including a series of sixteen letters exchanged between April 12 and May 9, 1762 while John was in Boston being inoculated against smallpox. During the early 1770s, John wrote to Abigail when his legal work for the circuit court took him away from home. John and Abigail Adams exchanged numerous letters while John served in the Continental Congress from 1774 to 1777. John Adams's first diplomatic assignment in Europe in early 1778 prompted a series of transatlantic exchanges of letters between him and his wife until he returned to the United State in the middle of 1779. Although it was challenging to send mail across the ocean (especially during wartime), after John returned to Europe they resumed their correspondence between Braintree, Massachusetts, and Europe during late 1779 until the summer of 1784, when Abigail arrived in London. While they were both in Europe they exchanged a few letters at