Abigail's Lies In The Crucible

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Many people in Salem know the length Abigail will go to in order to protect herself and her lies. Planning to speak out about the Abigails plan to ruin Elizabeth Proctor, John Proctor receives warning from Mary Warren to proceed with caution when dealing with Abigail. Mary Warren warns Proctor, “ She’ll ruin you with, it I know she will”(Miller 503). Willing to ruin her own reputation and honor, Abigail threatens Proctor to keep him silent. If Proctor speaks out about Abigail pretending in court, it will bring Abigail’s credibility to be questioned. After Proctor insists that Mary Warren tell the truth, she fears that Abigail will ruin her: “ She’ll kill me for sayin’ that”(Miller 503). Fearing for her life, Mary Warren rejects to tell the