Abolishing Slavery: The Age Of Reasoning

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Jefferson once said that “Maintaining slavery was like holding “a wolf by the ear, and we can neither hold him, nor safely let him go.” But he never quit he kept fighting for what was right and what he believed in. In the beginning, Jefferson came across events and situations that influenced his decisions and actions which allowed him to think and do the things he did. For instance one of the main events that influenced and motivated Jefferson 's ideas was the 18th century European Enlightenment also known as the Age of Reasoning. The Age of Reasoning really brought attention to how liberty and equality were natural human rights and these ideas dawned on not only Jefferson but on America as well. Although Jefferson’s main goal was to end slavery completely he …show more content…

He also mentioned that Jefferson also worried that the abolishment of slaves would leave the large farming lands that’s dependent mainly on slaves to fail due to the reduced amount of labor work(3). Despite of Jefferson’s thoughts he continued on with his long journey to abolish slavery. In 1776 Jefferson and other founding fathers presented The Declaration of Independence. This was one of Jefferson 's first attempts at abolishing slavery and promoting equality. Unfortunately; representatives from South Carolina, Georgia and some from New England were in disagreement with Jefferson’s words against slavery and didn’t want to sign it. Congress argued back and both but, in the end; all of Jefferson 's words and thoughts against slavery was taken out or altered to be more pro slavery friendly. Just two years later, In 1778 Jefferson introduced the Virginia law which made the importation of enslaved Africans illegal in the Northwest areas. It wasn’t until years later in 1784 that Jefferson was actually able to ban slavery once and for all in the Northwest