Thomas Jefferson Never Give Up

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Thomas Jefferson help us understand, that we can do many things, if we always doing it. Jefferson teached us, that we should always try new things. We should have faith in our self to accomplish our goals. That we should never give up, if we always try, and we should have faith in our selfs. First of all, give should never give up when we do new things. We sometimes think if it is hard we are not going to make it. We think everything is hard, but we don't give up to accomplish what we want to do, we will never give up. Sometimes is hard to not give up, we have to have determination on that goal. As a student we that quote i learn that giving up is not a choice; when we choose to give up is because we don't think on the cosequenses that the choice is going to impact our lifes. …show more content…

Second of all, if we always try new thing and if we try hard, we have the oppotunity to accomplish what we trying to do. When we do a test we are trying to get a good grade: a passing grade. We try hard so the test can came with a better outlook. When we don't try on it, there is chance were we not going to do good. We have that choice to always try, if we try there is a possible we we are going to do good. Not trying is not a choice. We can determine our self to accomplish something in life. Never think that if we try and we do bad, people is going to talk about it. Trying can bring us good outlooks, in other hand we have the opportunity to always try. We should always try, it dosen't matter how hard we think it is. Trying can bring us big opportunities in our lifes. Third of all, we shoulf have faith in our