Aboriginal Culture Research Paper

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Canada is a very culture diverse country, as a Nursing student it is very important to learn and understand other cultures in order to provide the best care. As a health care provider, who provides care to almost all cultures that exist in Canada, we have to somehow learn and teach our selves ways giving respect to our client by knowing the basics things not to do and knowing as well as the things you should do in a case were you are going a community that is very different from your own culture. All of us are human beings who just need help and I should learn to put my self in someone’s shoe to know and realize things that I should be worried about once I give care. As for this paper I have chosen Aboriginal Canadians, because their culture is very wide and has many variety and it is very different to my culture.
Aboriginal Canadians, one of the growing groups in Canada, who are considered as an indigenous group. Aboriginal Canadians are formed into three main groups, called Metis, First Nations, and Intuits, within these three main groups there are also sub …show more content…

I will have to learn how to set aside my feelings and emotions from my beliefs to give the best care for my patients. Aboriginal health practice seems too hard to understand, especially the chanting, usage of essence for rituals, other ceremonies that relates to their health practices. In addition, with the lack of experience, it might feel uncomfortable dealing with other cultures. Fear is also one of the issues that I will encounter by providing care, because I fear to provide care to the culture that I feel uncomfortable with, because I don’t believe in the same beliefs they have and that can create some