Abortion Definition Essay

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‘’This is my body’’ a phrase used by many women throughout the world. Human happiness and fulfillment are never found by us pushing others out of the way, rather it is found when we push ourselves out of the way for others. From the moment of conception, an unborn baby is a distinct person made in the image and likeness of God. God forms a person in the womb, not a nonperson (Job 10:8-12; 31:15, 34:19). “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart. (Jeremiah 1: 4-5). Brephos, is used to describe an unborn baby inside the womb as is used to describe a person out of the womb. When it comes to abortion, I stand firm in the Divine Command Theory, in the 6th commandment God commands us not to kill. For one day …show more content…

An abortion is a procedure to end a pregnancy. It uses medicine or surgery to remove the embryo or fetus and placenta from the uterus. The procedure is done by a licensed health care professional (NIH, national library of medicine). When we the people legalize abortion, the killing of unborn babies we are saying: people are allowed on this planet only when their presence does not inconvenience those who rule their lives. I think of the Greatest Happiness Theory, doing the things that create the greatest happiness to the greatest number. So then what happens when a woman has an abortion? Is that the happiness of a larger amount of people or just the mother alone? We say that killing is wrong, it is a law in our government and society not to kill. Yet where are the rights then for a child that is living in a mother’s womb? During the time where the Emancipation of Proclamation was taking place, Lincoln had a discussion with his cabinet. He asked: ‘’Gentlemen, how many legs does a sheep have?” Each man answered correctly, “Four, Mr. President.” He then proceeded saying, “Let’s call his tail a leg. Now how many legs?” Each man replied, “Five, Mr. President.” Mr. Lincoln retorted, “Nope, still only four. Just because we call it a leg it doesn’t make it one.” Abortion works that way as we say that they are not humans fully developed and have no rights. So are we categorizing fetuses as “sub-humans”? Don Marquis, an American …show more content…

Today, history is now being repeated, just with a different circumstance. I think about Hitler when I think about abortion. Hitler’s diabolical ideal is gaining momentum, and once again innocent lives are the sacrifice that it demands. Many children have been categorized as “subhuman”, and sentenced to die horrible deaths that surpass even the most brutal methods of destruction like the Nazis did to the Jews. Many people would argue that what if the child comes out handicapped or retarded? We go back in history and see that Hitler killed many people that had these symptoms and diseases. Yet did they deserve such deaths, did they not deserve a right to live? One must ask themselves, “Would you have killed those children if Hitler told you to?” When Jesus gave up his life, he taught us the meaning of love: I sacrifice myself for the good of the other person (John 15:13). Abortion teaches and advocates the opposite of love: I sacrifice the other person for the good of myself and what I

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