Abortion Ethical Dilemmas

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Introduction Abortion is one of many controversial issues. It is a topic that is widely debate among many people. Abortion is a difficult topic of discussion, when the baby is a product or rape, or has Down syndrome or deformities. Topic #4 explains a story about Susan who struggles with the idea of keeping or aborting her fetus.
Ethical Dilemma:
Susan, a career driven woman has been waiting for many years to have a baby. Through blood testing, she has been notified that her baby unfortunately has Down syndrome. Down syndrome is a lifelong condition. It is a set of physical and mental traits caused by a gene problem that happens before birth. Individuals have some degree of intellectual disability. Her doctors and trusted friend. Richard …show more content…

She will gain the knowledge that abortion is against God’s law and is considered murder. Susan will be breaking one of the Ten Commandments that God instructed us not to commit. She will also be granted the strength to endure her suffering. Susan will understand the God will never put more on her than she can bare. Although her baby will have a lifelong condition and many health conditions such as heart, intestine, ear, or breathing problems, Susan will be able to find support within her family, friends, doctors and specialist. In fact, many of these conditions are now treatable, so most people with Down syndrome lead healthy lives. She will come to the realization that there is a possibility that her child will be self-sufficient, independent and will not need her supervision twenty-four hours. Just because her child has Down syndrome doesn’t mean her life will change immensely and it’s the end of the world. Her child will be able to almost function as a normal individual. Individuals with Down syndrome are able to succeed in life. People with Down syndrome attend school, have decent, good paying jobs, participate in decisions that affect them, have meaningful relationships, vote and contribute to society in many wonderful ways. According to the Christian worldview, Susan should be extremely grateful that God decided to bless her with human life. Because she has been trying for years to have a baby, Susan needs to count it as a blessing not a punishment. She shouldn’t take her ability to carry a human life for granted because many women will never have the wonderful opportunity of successfully carrying and bringing life into the world. For a Christian, the best course of action is to accept God’s gift and preserve with the plan he has for your