Abraham Bomba Essay

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The Life of Abraham Bomba

Abraham Bomba was born on June 9, 1913 to Bernard and Touba Bomba in Beuthen Germany. He grew up with 4 other siblings. His dad worked in manufacturing and died in 1930. He and his family moved to Czestochowa and witnessed the german invasion on Poland in 1939. In 1941 he and his family were deported to the Czestochowa Ghetto.
Him and His family were sent to the Treblinka Death Camp in September 25, 1942. His older brother and wife were sent to the Camp Auschwitz, the biggest concentration camp. Because Abraham was a barber by profession he was forced to be a barber in the camp. He was forced to cut women’s hair before they went into the gas chamber. He was also responsible for taking and sorting clothes and valuables. He said that the barbers had a better chance at surviving …show more content…

nobody believed him. He married his 2nd wife, Regina while in Czestochowa. He took part in the Czestochowa Ghetto uprising 25-30 June, 1943, in June 1943 the Ghetto was liquidated. Abraham and Regina were captured and sent to the Tschenstochau Concentration Camp. They escaped the camp the night prior to liberation by the Russian army in January 1945.
After the war Abraham and his wife briefly returned to Czestochowa, then moved to Beuthen and later to Falkenstein, Germany. In 1951, following a short stay in the Fohrenwald Displaced Person’s Camp, the couple immigrated to the United States. They had a daughter named Bonnie. Abraham had three grandchildren on the time of his interview in 1996. Abraham testified to two Treblinka war crimes. He also appeared in the movie Shoah. The movie Shoah is a holocaust based documentary that looks at the point of view of an ex Nazi, a jew, and a bystander.
The life of Abraham Bomba was filled with sadness but got better over the years. Abraham is still alive today working as an actual