Motivation In Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs

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The drive to carry out any goal that an individual wants make a reality is motivation. That drive is persistent and pushes them to break their boundaries to reach the thing that they want to attain and maintain. However, motivation can be used either for a goal that is for the better or for the worse. A common imbalance of the reasoning behind that motivation can be seen in eating behaviors. The relationship between motivation and eating behaviors runs much deeper than the eye can see. A widely known set of needs, by Abraham Maslow, is a clinical explanation of motivation. Called the hierarchy of needs, it is broken down into three levels before reaching full potential or self-actualization. The first two are physiological and safety needs. They deal with the basic survival skills of hunger, thirst, security and stability. Once those are satisfied the next step to self-actualization is belongingness and love needs; needs for friends and intimate relations. This is where most falter because they don’t fully achieve that sense of belonging and acceptance. Here is where the desire to be thin fabricates for people leading to their eating disorder. The belief is that in order to be accepted they have to lose most of their weight. As an illustration, in the documentary Thin, Brittany had lost an unhealthy amount of body …show more content…

Clinical explanations of motivation by Maslow, identify reasons a the why individual have eating disorders. The two different types of motivations can help understand the motives behind eating disorders. The documentary Thin and the reading The Hunger Artist, both about eating disorders, exemplify those motivations. Someone once said from watching experiences with motivation and eating disorders is to “count your blessings, not the calories. Weigh your options, not your, self-worth. Starve your self-hatred, not your body. Hate the disorder, not