Absenteeism gives many negative impacts to the quality of students as well as the students’ performance, it is very important to observe and know more about the students who absent and their reasons to do that. Thus the aim of this study is to know the factors of absenteeism among students in University Malaysia Kelantan. On the past literature, we have selected the following variables which are: 1) educational materials, 2) prior GPA, 3) commitment problem, 4) instructors’ control, and 5) living arrangements. And for our personal experience, we selected disliking courses. The responsibility of the students is attending the lectures and tutorials. It is compulsory as the 80% of students’ attendance are being the part of continuous assessment. …show more content…
Based on Marburger (2001) found that the likelihood of a student missing a question on a multiple choice exam to the students’ attendance on the day that the material in the question was covered. By this interesting approach, it will able to calculate the average levels of students’ motivation or interests but it will not be valid if a student’s interest convenient the various subject covered within a course. We hypothesize that uninterested educational materials would be associated positively with missing lectures. Clearly, it is significantly that the absenteeism is caused by a higher previous grade point average (GPA). The reason why they are not going for their lectures, they think that the absenteeism will not affect their good grades. Some students who earn good grades miss class frequently without any negative consequences as reported by Chambliss, (1981). Thus it is reasonable to hypothesize that students who earn good grades are likely to do not come the lectures. Romer, (1993) also have included past GPA sets completed as proxies for student motivation. Working for a part time job has a significant impact on students’