How Not To Get Into College By Alfie Kohn Summary

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The Pursuit of Grades Over Happiness There are many accomplishments that we have achieved, yet many to achieve, and the race towards them never seems to stop. Well, this is the case for many students because the race towards achieving high grades never comes to an end. Grades are meaningless in the grand scheme of things, as they do not control the rest of your life, but yet are still overly looked upon and can affect a student’s life drastically. However, a poet once said, “Life is not a race, but a journey, to be savored each step of the way” (Nancye Sims). This point is further justified in an essay by the American author, named Alfie Kohn, “How Not to Get into College: The Preoccupation and Preparation”. Alfie Kohn’s essay is concerned with the fact that grades are nothing more than a number and they do not make up your life; stressing out about your grades will lead you to missing the important aspects of life that you are blinded to. I personally feel that Kohn has started a great discussion about grades; how high school students are highly influenced and affected by grades. I believe that grades have a significant impact on students because they are getting in the way of important events and moments in their lives, and also students tend to overly stress themselves due to several reasons such as over-valuing grades. As a student myself, I believe that grades have an impact on our lives because time management becomes a major …show more content…

So all in all, in the process of trying to achieve high grades, student neglect relationships, moralities, and happiness. In essence, the notion that high grades lead to a successful life compels students to primarily focus on grades and sacrifice sleep, family, religious beliefs, and other necessities to