
Absolutely True Diary Of Part Time Indian Essay

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In “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian” by Sherman Alexie, the most important chapter is “Hope Against Hope” because it shows the theme of hope. This is the chapter where Mr. P talks personally to Junior about life and his sister so he can understand her better. Eventually he tells Junior to leave the reservation and to find a better life for himself. But, without this chapter Junior might not have ever left the reservation and gone to Rearden. Towards the end of the chapter Junior is having a deep conversation with Mr. P about Rowdy. He’s lost hope and he’s just going to get worse. He goes on after continuously telling Junior to leave the rez, he then says “ "All these kids have given up," he said. "All your friends. All the bullies. And their mothers and fathers have given up, too. And their grandparents gave up and their grandparents before them. And me and every other teacher here. We're all defeated." ”(Page 42). In this he is saying that Junior may be the last person on the rez to have hope. The quote is showing something deeper than just a man telling a boy to leave the rez. This is showing how kids on reservations from a young age are taught to stay where they are. They are taught that where they are is where they should be. …show more content…

P and Junior talk about how his sister wanted to be a writer and started writing romantic novels. But then she gave up her dream. Mr. P says, “That had to be it, right? Something bad had happened to her, right? I mean, she lived in the fricking basement. People just don't live and hide in basements if they're happy.”(Page 39). This is important to the chapter because Junior sees how his sister had a dream but never accomplished it. She didn’t try or have the courage and will to, and she’s also falling into the footsteps of his father. If it wasn’t for this page in the chapter, Junior wouldn’t realize that all of his family have given up hope, and wouldn’t be determined to change

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