Abuse In Delaware

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The state of Delaware is a pioneer when it comes to the food-canning industry. Hay, potatoes, soybeans and corn are all important crops for the state. Popular recreation areas within the state include the Trap Pond State Park, Delaware Seashore, Cape Henlopen and Rehoboth Beach. As good as Delaware is for the country, they still have to deal with the same issues as the rest of the nation when it comes to substance abuse and mental illness issues.
Substance Abuse in Delaware:
The most commonly abused illegally trafficked drugs in Delaware are marijuana, crack cocaine, powder cocaine and heroin. Unfortunately, clandestinely manufactured drugs like methamphetamine and club drugs are also popular within the state of Delaware.
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Of the approximately 900,000 people who call Delaware home, 29,000 live daily with a serious mental illness. In 2006, 91 citizens died by suicide. Since suicide is often a result of undertreated or untreated mental illness, Delaware is committed to helping their citizens get the help for mental illness they need.
Help For Substance Abuse And Mental Illness in Delaware:
Serenity Properties, Georgetown:
Serenity isn’t a traditional treatment center. Instead, it is a set of homes that provide recovery housing for those seeking to recover from alcohol and drug abuse and addiction. There are three homes for women and three to men. These houses provide dozens of beds, which are in a convenient location so patients can walk to counseling, stores, meetings or jobs.
Sodat Delaware, Inc., Wilmington:
This center is the oldest such treatment facility in the state of Delaware. They provide referrals and outpatient counseling along with DUI evaluation for alcohol and drug addictions. Sodat is a community-based, private center dedicated to the treatment, intervention and prevention of substance abuse and other co-occurring