
Academic Decorum Summary And Analysis

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This is the first year of school where your grades actually matter, and in the past years our teachers goals were to teach us good study habits, How to work in groups, and what a deadline actually means,and how to manage your time to get that specific assignment done. That's what I would say if I was teaching a class of incoming ninth graders. Then I would transition the students to work individually and think of any academic goals they wanted to accomplish during the school year or throughout high school. Then when they were done with that they would work as a group and share what their academic goal was. In my opinion Academic Decorum means making a goal that will benefit you academically, then make a reason you should accomplish that goal(to motivate),then finally to make a process to make it achievable. Academic Decorum is something should reflect your effort of school. …show more content…

In the article space taker it basically states that there are a few students who are focused and get the material. Then there are the students who “Take up Space” which in essence , means that they don't contribute to the learning environment. The space takers hold back the students who are trying to learn. I agree with this article and understand what it is saying. Using this article to compare to real life would say this accurately depicts the learning environment. I would say that my class behavior and attitude proves that i’m not in the “space takers”

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