Academic Misconduct In The Works Of Per Bryant And Stratton

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I am writing this assignment to let my professor and Bryant and Stratton college staff get a better understanding of my writing , my understanding and or point of view of the work assignments. I am also going to take this opportunity to learn and grow from this process. As you evaluate this assignment you should know that I have tried my best to avoid plagiarism by always generating my own words to give my full understanding. Thinking of the facts and details upon the assignment and clearly signal whenever I’m using someone else’s word on any topic.
Plagiarism is a form of academic misconduct in which you represent someone else’s words or ideas as your own words according to the Webster Dictionary. The idea or the basic expectation in every class and in everyday life is that whatever you write will be in the person own words and opinion. To give their own point of view on people, places and or things by any form of expression. Then I got to thinking upon what is academic misconduct? Per Bryant and Stratton point of view it is a form of cheating or should I say more precisely it is any action that a student knows or should know will lead to the improper evaluation of academic work (Jonathan Hendrix).
To understand this issue I viewed many research methods on the topic of plagiarism and I believe it starts with …show more content…

Use of inadequate paraphrase that makes only superficial changes to a text or neglect to cite the source of a paraphrase. The result is often a patch work of original and plagiarized texts that echoes the original sources in recognizable ways. However one way for the writer to solve the problem would be to rewrite the entire passage in his or her own words. Emphasizing only those points important to the writer’s larger argument and then cite of the source of