Accepting Jim In Willa Cather's My Antonia

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In the novel My Antonia by Willa Cather, Mr. Shimerda asked Jim to "teach, teach my Antonia." He showed Jim two alphabets, one English and one Bohemian. Mr. Shimerda wanted Jim to teach Antonia to speak and write English. I believe he wanted Jim to teach her more than that. He wanted Jim to teach her about life on the Nebraska prairie; how to work and live on a farm.

Jim and Antonia were out gathering potatoes when Jim killed a snake. At that point Antonia saw Jim in a different light and began to admire his strength and courage. She said, "I never know you were so brave." After the snake incident, Antonia looked up to Jim and had more respect for him.

Antonia was dedicated and determined to improve the conditions of her life and her family 's.