Access To Health Care Essay

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You will get a hearty argument from both sides of the aisle, whether or not health care is a right or privilege. One would argue insurance is available to you to purchase, but you do not take it so that makes it a privilege because then the cost and caring for you becomes the burden of other insurers paying for your care. On the other hand, if insurance is available and you cannot afford it even though other insurers are paying for your care it would be considered a right to be taken care of regardless of your financial status. The question still presents itself, why is there still uninsured in this country when there is access to health care even after the implementation of what we now know as the Affordable Care Act or as we commonly refer …show more content…

The one major reason is cost. With insurance premiums skyrocketing at an alarming rate, you are consequently bombarded with the costs of deductibles and co-pays and with most families on a fixed income. It is difficult to not only pay the monthly premium for the policy, but meet the deductible before it kicks in to pay anything, on top of everything else having to pay co-pays and any other out-of-pocket expenses that the insurance policy will not cover such as certain drugs, treatments.
The second reason is some people may not be eligible for financial assistance to get health care. They may be working, but can’t afford the premiums through a group insurance rate to be deducted every pay period or simply do not have access to a health care plan through the employer.
Third reason is the Medicare/Medicaid hanging in the balance and not being expanded causes those who only qualify for this program cannot get with the program due to government cut- backs. The ACA is on the verge of collapsing on itself with the high rising premiums and fewer insurance companies offering insurance through the ACA. Insurance is a safety net for our health, it provides the ability to pay for medical assistance, whether an emergency or not when called upon. It should be available to all at a reasonable price across the board without any prejudice/discrimination of social or financial