
Arguments Against Universal Healthcare

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People want Healthcare to be free for everyone in the United States. It would release many people from their jobs. In addition, it would cost the Government way to much money. Even if they tax the citizens more, it would just backfire. However, some might say that the benefits outweigh the odds as more people will be able to have better health care so it is benefiting humanity. But, Universal Healthcare should not happen. If Universal Healthcare happens, how would the government pay for it? Short answer, they can't. They will have to create a separate tax, or increase the current tax for every citizen. This would create outrage and uproar all across the United States. Citizens that do not support Universal Healthcare would go against the new or increased taxation. Not only that, but with the new tax, will the poor even be able to provide for their families? Most might be able to get by, but there will be some that are less fortunate. …show more content…

Citizens will receive free healthcare, which in turn will allow everyone to get treated when they are feeling unwell; so, the poor that cannot afford healthcare can receive it. Also for those that already have healthcare, they can then use the money for other things, whether it be for personal use, or for higher-grade healthcare with more benefits. Both arguments have their own standpoints and reasons. The ones that oppose Universal Healthcare state that the government does not have the funds, and therefore will impose a higher tax in general. The ones that support the Universal Healthcare state that the benefits are worth what will be imposed to make it happen. Both have nothing significant in common, and a lot of things that make them different form each other, such as their

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