
According To The Prophet, Why Is Israel To Soon Experience God's Judgement?

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1. Examine closely Amos 2:6-8. According to the prophet, why was Israel to soon experience God's judgment? The Book of Amos is included in the Scroll of Twelve, which includes twelve prophets (Hauer 147). To start off the Book of Amos, he states the Lord’s judgment of Israel’s neighbors. He delivers the message of the Lord through a set of oracles (Hauer 149). All of these oracles include a three to four formula to explains God’s message. For example, one of the oracles starts, “This is what the Lord says: For three sins of Damascus, even for four, I will not turn back my wrath…” (New International Version, Amos 1:3-4). Amos continues by stating the transgressions the nation committed, “Because she threshed Gilead with sledges having iron
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