Accountability In The Military

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According to the Miriam- Webster some of the definitions for accountability can be being responsible, having an obligation or being liable for something or someone. When we think about the word accountability in the military we automatically associate it with formations, duty days, locations, tasks and a plethora of other actions. These are great definitions or even topics but not necessarily all I think about when I hear the word Leader Accountability in the military. We often hear the word accountable when we talk to teachers at our children’s school and we have parent teacher conferences. We also include this into our renowned monthly counseling sessions with our soldiers. Counseling that are often keep in the top drawer of our desk.
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In the realm of Army Leaders we can be accountable for many things from equipment to soldiers, we have all heard the term “account for beans and bullets”. To take accountability for ones actions goes far beyond the abstract of just leading your subordinates it is also a term that we as Leaders have dismissed when it comes to our own self. I often find myself having an internal debate with this word or what it means to me, it seems to me that we have lost the meaning or better yet we have been improperly using the true meaning of …show more content…

This does not mean we have to walk around looking for things to jump down joe’s throat but it sure means we are the keepers of our brothers and sisters. In that moment I realized that I would have my work cut out and I embraced the challenge that this would become. Helping him understand that I am here and I had a purpose in his ranks was to me my daily motivator. This has not been the only issue I have seen or faced as a Leader and I know it will not be the last issue. But as the backbone of the Army w=if we are not ready to be the change or make the change that is needed to ensure our ranks and this force continues being great then we need to make way, move out of the way and let those that are ready and willing to end the inability to