Accreditation For Corrections

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1. A survey conducted in Washington; the survey showed that the majority of the public believed that treatment and job training programs in prisons must increase for the sake of public safety, so when an inmate is released they will be a productive citizen. The survey also showed that the public believes that there are too many low-risk and non-violent offenders in prison.

2. Correctional agencies reduce their operating costs by Reducing Unnecessary Consumption of Medical Services, tightening contracting and auditing, using in-house medical services when it is less expensive, reducing the inmate population, and decreasing parole revocation rate.

3. The Commission on Accreditation for Corrections is the official accrediting body of the American Correctional Association, the commission is the official arbiter of accreditation for all components of juvenile and adult correctional agencies including, correctional health services, parole, and probation. The function of the commission is to increase accountability for prison operations and policies. …show more content…

Minorities are over represented in the correctional population because of their socioeconomic status, minorities who are raised with a low economic status/ in low-income neighborhoods are more likely to learn crime from a young age and continue committing crimes throughout their life, which make the majority of inmates in the criminal justice system