Acculturation Strategies

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Viewpoint 1. Acculturation strategies Aim of this framework is to find best practice for societies, groups and individuals to follow during the process of acculturation. Acculturation strategies defines as “Variations in the way acculturating groups and individuals attempt to manage the process of acculturation” referring to Berry (Berry, 2017). In the domain of socio-cultural psychology, acculturation is typically seen as two key issues that determine immigrants’ acculturation strategies. First view, concerns abstract issue of maintaining and sustaining original culture communities. Second view, concerns abstract issue of contacting with other cultural groups, thus accepting features of other culture. According to Berry’s model (Berry, 1995) …show more content…

Moreover, researches revealed that there exist two forms of adaptation – psychological and sociocultural (John Berry, Jean Phinney, David Sam and Paul Vedder, 2016). Viewpoint 2. Acculturation expectations Acculturation expectations, in contrary to acculturation strategies, connected to cultural majority group. It is such expectations, which concern about how immigrants should adapt (which acculturation strategy they should use) (Bourhis et al., 1997). Referring to recent works (Bourhis & Montreuil, 2013), we can differentiate acculturation expectations up to 6 of them. Moreover, they can be differentiated into two groups: First one is “Welcoming” acculturation expectations, which consist of: Integrationism – type of expectations, when its encouraged from immigrants to maintain and accept both own and new cultures. Transformation-integrationism – same as integrationism expectations, but with host responsibility to help immigrants to integrate. Individualism – attitude towards own cultural maintaining and acceptance of new culture yields from individualistic values and means that it’s expected that every man free to decide what is more important to …show more content…

Whether acculturation expectations concept has opposite situation - it is addressed to majority groups (pro) and pays poor attention to minority group (con). These two conceptions do not stay separately, but influence on migrant acculturation results and various ratios of them can cause specific outcomes. When acculturation strategy coincides with cultural expactations (for an instance, assimilation strategy from immigrants meets assimilation expectations from host group) – acculturation proceeds successfully. Thus, if acculturation strategy controversy with cultural expactations (for an instance, separation strategy from immigrants meets assimilation expectations from host group) – acculturation proceeds unsuccessfully. It has particular importance, because it does not limited only with sociocultural context. It also plays a role in context of health-related behavioral and biological individual processes depending on its interrelations with successfulness of acculturation itself (Molly Fox, Zaneta Thayer, Pathik D. Wadhwa