Accurate Patient Testing

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Some physicians prefer to have all laboratory tests performed by a reference laboratory, this would mean a laboratory that is owned and operated by an organization outside the practice. Medical Assistant must know common laboratory equipment, safety in the laboratory, steps to prevent accidents. The impact of CLIA’88 is the quality assurance, quality control procedures, and record keeping, the role of laboratory testing in patient care were to be analysis of blood, urine, and other body fluids such as identifying diseases or other problems, confirm or contradict initial diagnosis, determine and monitor dosage of a medication. Kinds of laboratories Reference laboratory, outside the practice, Technological resources, Frees staff for patient care …show more content…

Safety is a primary concern in any laboratory environment, and it is especially important in a physician’s office laboratory because patients and laboratory workers may be at risk. For your own protection, as well as that of patients and coworkers, you must always be aware of and observe laboratory safety guidelines. The operation of a POL can have a significant impact on the health of the patients who depend on the medical practice for care. Accurate patient specimen testing is a primary concern. A quality assurance program is designed to monitor the quality of the patient care a medical laboratory provides. In response to public concern over the accuracy of laboratory tests, Congress enacted the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 CLIA ’88. This law placed all laboratory facilities that conduct tests for diagnosing, preventing, or treating human disease or for assessing human health under federal regulations administered by the Health Care Financing Administration HCFA and the CDC. tests of high complexity include more complicated tests in the specialties and subspecialties, including tests in clinical cytogenics, histopathology, histocompatibility, and cytology, and any test not yet categorized by the …show more content…

all laboratories that perform moderate- and high-complexity tests as identified by CLIA ’88 must participate in a proficiency testing program. Proficiency testing programs measure test. Before collecting a specimen, you must first be sure you have the right patient. Proper patient identification is an essential part of good laboratory practice. You do not want to collect a blood sample from someone who only needs a urinalysis. Patients do not always understand the tests they are having. It is up to you to make sure you have the right patient and are performing the test as it is ordered. Certain tests require patients to prepare by fasting or restricting fluid intake. It is your duty to explain test preparations. Use simple, nontechnical language and check with patients to be sure they understand the information. In some cases, providing a written instruction sheet may be helpful. When you receive the test results, communicate them not to the patient but to the doctor. Only the doctor is qualified to interpret test results for the patient. Your role in reporting results comes after the doctor examines the test information and prepares a report. Sometimes, the doctor discusses the results with