Achebe's Things Fall Apart

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“Things Fall Apart” The book “Things Fall Apart”, by Chinua Achebe, has a tragic hero; Okonkwo. He goes through many appalling events. Everything that was important to him eventually comes apart. Hence, the title of the book, “Things Fall Apart”. Okonkwo is affected by this drastically and because he couldn’t stand the change he decides to hang himself .The title of the novel corresponds with the book because it demonstrates how family, clan and respect, fall apart in Okonkwo’s life. Predominately, in the novel, one of the things that fell apart for Okonkwo is family. Okonkwo’s only son, Nwoye, decides to leave the family and make his own choices. When the missionaries came to preach, Nwoye was instantly appealed to the new and different religion. And he became one of them. For instance, in the text it states, “I don’t know. He is not my father’, said Nwoye, unhappily” This clearly demonstrates that Nwoye doesn’t consider himself Okonkwo’s son anymore. And because Nwoye left his “people”, Okonkwo didn’t even want to mention his name. This disturbs the family’s relationship, and makes their relation fall apart. …show more content…

When he returns, due to the missionaries, numerous people convert and adapt to the new ways. Because of the differences, the clan isn’t able to become united and one. For instance, it the text it states. “The white man is very clever. He came quietly and peaceably with his religion. We were amused at his foolishness and allowed him to stay. Now he has won our brothers, and our clan can no longer act like one.” This indicates that the tribe fell apart because of the English men and their new ideology. And it formed a barrier between the two sides, of the tribe, making them fall