Abortion Satire

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Abortion is defined as, “The removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy”(“Abortion” 1). As you can see, when the dictionary defines it, it avoids the words “killing” or “life” or “baby.” In my opinion, they avoid this because the government has not been able to make a decision over what an abortion really is. Some say it is murder, some say the baby has not grown or isn’t alive so it’s not murder. Who is to say what is right? Abortion to me, is murder. The government is forever changing civilians rights to abortion and abortion policies. But I believe it should be illegal. The government is normally set up a lot like this: republicans are pro-life, and democrats are pro-choice. It is very hard to stick with …show more content…

It is hard to make laws and rules without that type of purpose. So what can we do to help keep morals and religion out of law making? Specifically with abortion? Science is the answer. If we can’t say we can’t have an abortion for religious purposes, we will come up with a definition of when a life really begins. To me, life begins when the heart starts to beat. The heart starts to beat eighteen days before conception and twenty-one days after, by using it’s own blood (“About the Unborn Child” 2). Most mothers just have found out or haven’t even found out they are pregnant when the baby’s heart begins to beat, which means in my definition, they are killing a baby. But science and people need to prove and agree on what the definition of life begins. If we could just agree when it begins, we could form laws around it. If we said that life began at the heartbeat, than anytime someone had an abortion, it would be considered murder, and they would go to jail. We also need to take in the matter of emergency abortions; for instance, if a woman was raped or if having the baby could kill her, then maybe abortions would be acceptable for those specific purposes only. But I don’t a woman should be allowed the right to kill a baby just for the reason of not wanting it, being too young, not having the money for it, or any other selfish reason. The woman and her partner need to either not

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