
Achievability Of The American Dream In The Great Gatsby

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The American Dream is Achievable
The American dream boomed during the 1920s and many people wanted this lavish lifestyle that was being portrayed of riches and success. But it was truly about disadvantaged people dreaming about a better life. Hoping to become respected and treated equally among society. Writers like Langston Hughes, and Lorraine Hansberry, used writing to show the struggles black people had to carry on to achieve the american dream. James Truslow Adams was the man who created the concept of the American dream in 1931. These people helped pave the way of the true american dream. When the American dream was redefined it showed others that what you dream of can be possible to achieve. Many people think that the american dream …show more content…

This causes a false reality for Americans or people who read about the american dream. In the book The Great Gatsby, “He stretched out his arms toward the dark water …I…distinguished nothing except a single green light, minute and far way …When I looked once more for gatsby he had vanished.” (Fitzgerald 21-22) This quote states how the American dream can seem unachievable and out of reach. Fitzgerald explains in the book how the american dream is unrealistic because during this time the american dream was dramatically different then it originally was from the start. In the 1920s all the American dream seemed to be about was parties and money. Once the American dream was redefined, it seemed possible to achieve. That if you have a dream that is not greedy and materialistic you can bring that dream into fruition. Our previous president Donald Trump pushed the wrong idea of the American dream to americans. He preaches that the American dream is about owning a beautiful home and having a booming business. But the American dream is truly not about materialism. It is about freedom, equality, and opportunity which Trump did not represent during his presidency. Trump was known for only helping the white male and no one else. He put up a wall so that immigrants couldn't come to America for a better life which is all the American dream is about. The American dream is about opportunity for people who have a dream in america. Although these people contributed to the materialistic side of the American dream. Langston Hughes, Lorraine Hansberry, and James Truslow Adams helped redefine the American dream into something more achievable for

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