
Achieving The American Dream Essay

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Every American aspires to achieve the American Dream. However, for certain people, it may be more complicated than for others. For people who disabilities, obtaining the American Dream can usually be challenging due to discrimination and obstacles such as restricted access to housing, jobs, and education. Due to a lack of accessibility and accommodations in society, it may also be challenging for people who are disabled to participate in and contribute to their communities fully. The idea that anybody may achieve success, happiness, and money is known as the "American Dream," which is known as a critical component of American society and culture. It is an exciting and motivating idea of how life could be for people awarded for their hard work …show more content…

Those with disabilities are more likely to experience severe symptoms from the virus because of their underlying health issues. As shown by this quotation, isolation could be particularly acute for folks living with a disability, which makes it more challenging or not advisable for them to go out(Financial Resilience Center). The pandemic has also impacted access to healthcare, education, and work for those with disabilities. Hospitals, schools, and other places have had to adapt to new ideas which may not be accessible to those with disabilities. Due to the pandemic, some people with disabilities have also lost their jobs or could not find new job opportunities that fit their requirements. Due to the pandemic, people with disabilities are in a worse position than before, and because there is such a high risk, it makes it hard for them to achieve the American …show more content…

For instance, they might give them funding for rehabilitation programs, Medicaid, and Medicare. Besides that, accessible housing can be available through programs like Section 8. However, because they are often underfunded and overloaded, these programs might not provide enough assistance to people with disabilities. In conclusion, while being a large part of American society, the American Dream remains an unrealistic goal for many people with disabilities. Because of biases and obstacles to employment, housing, and education, people with disabilities may have more difficulty achieving the American Dream. Although the government offers help, more must be done to make sure that those with disabilities have equal opportunities and may actively participate in and contribute to their communities. It is time for society to recognize the contributions made by people with disabilities and to work toward resolving the issues that contribute to and block their ability to achieve the American

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