
Achilles Research Paper

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1. Achilles- Achilles was made famous in greek ,mythology by Homer as one of the bravest and best fighters in the Trojan war. Achilles was dipped in the river styx as a child, making him invincible for the rest of his life except for the body part he was held by, his heel. He ended up dying after being shot by an arrow. The tale of achilles and the “achilles heel” lives on today as a fatal flaw or weakness.
2. Adam’s rib- This comes from Genesis in the bible, the first “chapter” of the holy book. God uses a rib from Adam in order to create Eve, the female counterpart of Adam. It is said that God chose the rib because it was the easiest for Adam to live without and serves as a constant reminder that he and Eve were a single unit.
3. Agamemnon- …show more content…

Antigone- Antigone is the subject of a play by Sophocles and the daughter of Oedipus. In the play, she ends up having to defy the orders of Creon in order to honor her dead brother. She gets locked away and ends up killing herself which starts a string of killing, leading to Creon discovering his despotic ways.
5. Armageddon- Armageddon refers to either a location where the the end of the world will occur or simply the world ending in general. This ending of the world could be symbolic or literal. The terms originates from the Bible’s Book of …show more content…

holy grail- The holy grail is a cup that is mentioned in the bible and in Arthurian literature. It is very valuable as Jesus himself is said to have drank from it at the Last supper and placed in it his own blood.
20. Jonah- Jonah is described in the book of Jonah in the hebrew bible. He is said to have been swallowed by and lived inside a whale. He did this after being thrown out of his boat by his crew who believed throwing him out would quell a storm, which it did.
21. judgment of Paris- This is from Greek mythology. Paris was tasked with giving a golden apple to 3 women: Hera, Aphrodite, and Athena. He ended up giving the apple inscribed with “the fairest one” to Aphrodite in return for Helene, the most beautiful woman in the world.
22. labors of Hercules- (Greek Mythology) Hercules was almost killed by his Hera and ended up killing a lot of his family members due to insanity. To repent, he was given 12 tasks by Eurystheus which were the hardest tasks conceived.
23. Lazarus- (Bible) Lazarus’s story is similar to the rebirth of Jesus. Lazarus was put to rest in a tomb but 4 days later was revived by

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