
Achilles Vs Hector Research Paper

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In “The Iliad” written by homer there are two powerful strong characters whom are Hector and Achilles. Hector and Achilles both are great fighters and are both looked at as almost God-like. The difference however is persona, attitude, and ego. Achilles might be stronger and more powerful, but Hector’s personality and state of mind is better than Achilles’. Achilles has a huge ego, has temper issues, and thinks that he is above all. Hector on the other hand is calm, nice, loyal, and always fights for what is right.

One way the Hector is better than Achilles is his persona, while everyone that knows Achilles is scared of him and that’s why they’re loyal to him all of Hector’s people have more respect and are more of friends with Hector. Everybody knows not to mess with Achilles when he is mad because he knows that he is stronger and better than everyone. Hector has respect for everyone and treats everyone equally. Hector is also viewed as a savior to his city, he always fights for his city and the people of troy no matter what the situation is. Achilles does not always …show more content…

Achilles does not like his country and only fights for the fun of the fight and the spoils. Hectors reason for fighting is noble and selfless, Achilles fights for himself and a select few that he likes. Achilles also does not like his leader Agamemnon, he disrespects him and argues that he himself is better than the king, Hector respects his leader King Priam and is also his son, but he listens and when he doesn’t it is because he is doing the right thing. An example of this is when Achilles was chasing down Hector and finally caught him thanks to the help of Athena, Hector did not run inside the gates as his father was yelling at him to retreat, during this Hector gave his life and died for his

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