Acquainted With The Night Analysis Essay

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I have been one acquainted with the night. I have walked out in rain and back in rain. I have outwalked the furthest city light. In the poem “Acquainted with the Night”, Robert Frost portrays a man who is experiencing loneliness in an isolated city at night. A character analysis of the narrator reveals that through his dialogue that he is depressed, and feels complete isolation. The imagery in Robert Frosts poem “Acquainted with the Night” paints the description of loneliness and uncomfortability with his surroundings. The fate of his character’s loneliness and solidarity is dependent on his ability to acquainting himself with society. Robert Frosts description of the “Acquainted with the Night” presents an atmosphere and setting that is isolated and dark. The statement “I have passed by the watchman on his beat and dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain”, is a common theme in individuals who are going through depression. The narrator’s inability to make eye contact indicates that he is unable to interact in society. His surroundings are distant and during the poem he makes no mention of any friends or family. The only other individual in the story is the watchman who as previously stated he avoided any interactions with. The statement “I have been one acquainted with night”, has indicated that the narrator has been through this before. …show more content…

This indicates that the narrator is perpetuating an infinite cycle of depression. Generally, at night, there is no one outside except the watchman on his boat, due to the narrators lack of human interaction it is hard for him to develop a sense of what the norm is in society. The narrator has completely isolated himself, and has developed a sense that he has no other acquaintances other than the night, this is indicated in the verse “When far away an interrupted cry, came over houses from another street, but not call me back or say