Acting Ethically Essay

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Question1. B: the factor that influence acting responsibly and ethically will be discussed The problem of lax ethical standards in business is nothing new and there are a lot of factors that may lead to lack of its application. This can be divided as internal and external factors: The internal factor consists of : Ethics and role manger, Organizational Structures and Systems. The external factor consist of: Globalization, Financial crisis, Variation of standards, Ethical limit and political factor. Ethics and role manger: The way that top mangmment behvie towards ethick and reposiblity is very important in the organization this level may be associated with managers who use an bureaucracy leadership style Organizational Structures …show more content…

As a result of no responsible and ethic department inside the organization There is a lack of information about the benefit of acting ethically and responsibly such as superior reputation and superior financial performance. Globalization has made ethical issues even more complicated. Managers who are working in foreign countries need sensitivity and openness to other systems, as well as the fortitude to resolve difficult issues. Transparency International, an international organization that monitors corruption, publishes an annual report Transparency International, an international organization that monitors corruption, publishes an annual …show more content…

Martinez and Wolverton (2009) report that the profile of existing higher edu-cation institutions is defined by the number and type of institutions in the pool, which will therefore determine the degree to which each institution must compete for students, faculty, government-based funding, and research dollars. In Ontar-io, there are 22 public universities, 17 privately funded institutions with degree- granting authority (primarily with religious affiliations), 72 degree programs of-fered under ministerial consent, and 24 colleges. Of the 22 public universities in Ontario, four are located in Toronto, three of which (Ryerson, Toronto, and York) would be considered comprehensive, with a large offering of similar program-ming. The fourth institution, the Ontario College of Art and Design, is well dif-ferentiated as a niche